Gynecomastia: Male Breast Reduction
Many people think of a man’s chest as emblematic of his strength and masculinity. However, many men cannot achieve a muscular, toned chest – even though they may be in good shape physically – due to excess breast tissue.
Gynecomastia is the medical term for enlarged male breast tissue. Dr. David Allison performs male breast reduction in Gainesville, VA, to effectively correct enlarged breasts and create a firmer, more masculine-looking chest by:
- Eliminating excess breast volume
- Removing stretched, sagging skin
- Reducing and repositioning nipples
Reasons for Male Breast Enlargement
- Genetics
- Weight gain
- Shifting hormone levels (reduction in testosterone) due to puberty or aging
- Medications such as antibiotics, antidepressants, anti-anxiety, heart medicines, AIDS medications
- Alcohol or drug use
- Consumption of natural estrogen products
- Overactive thyroid
- Kidney disease
What to Expect with Male Breast Reduction
Male breast reduction can reduce the physical and emotional discomforts you may be experiencing.
There are different methods to reduce breast tissue; the right method will depend on your own unique anatomy. After a thorough consultation, Dr. Allison may recommend:
- Liposuction with minimal incisions to reduce excess fat and glandular tissue
- Tissue excision to reduce sagging skin, fat and tissue
During liposuction small incisions are made on the sides of the chest to insert a tube (cannula). This tube is used to gently break up fat deposits and excess tissue and suction out just the right amounts to provide a masculine physique.
Tissue excision typically involves making incisions around the areola or in the natural chest creases to remove excess tissue and skin from the chest area. Dr. Allison uses an artistic eye to sculpt a masculine chest area.
Incisions are made in the most inconspicuous locations to minimize any signs of scarring.
Male Breast Reduction Recovery
Recovery from male breast reduction will vary depending on the type of procedure that is performed. You may need to rest at home for just a few days if liposuction is used. If surgery is performed, you may need 1-2 weeks to recover. You may be instructed to wear a compression garment for a short time to minimize swelling. Dr. Allison may place drainage tubes under the skin to drain any excess fluids from the area.
Swelling and bruising is normal and temporary. Full results may take several months to achieve. It is necessary to continue a healthy lifestyle in order to maintain your great results.
Potential Risks of Male Breast Reduction
- Infection
- Bleeding
- Nerve damage or skin sensation changes
- Bruising and swelling
- Blood clots
- Fluid loss or accumulation
- Asymmetry
- Anesthesia risks
Could male breast reduction surgery in Gainesville help restore your self-confidence? Contact us today to schedule a free Cosmetic Consultation to find out.