How Should You Sleep After Breast Implant Surgery?
Sleeping after breast augmentation surgery can be challenging. For the first 6 weeks after surgery, it is recommended that you sleep on your back and avoid sleeping on your stomach.
Sleeping on your back after breast augmentation is the best choice to ensure optimal results. Until the capsule (natural scar tissue that forms around the breast implant) has completely formed, the shape and position of your implants are vulnerable to external forces. Sleeping on your back prevents your breasts from unnecessarily moving around and straining your healing tissues. Favoring this position, at least for the first several weeks, allows time for your body to heal the breast tissue in the right shape around the implants.
Even if you don’t usually rest on your back, you’ll probably find it to be the most comfortable option after surgery since your breasts will likely be sore, swollen and bruised. Don’t worry though, these side effects are to be expected after breast implant surgery and will improve over the next few weeks and months.
Tips for Sleeping with Breast Implants
Supporting your body is essential for proper sleep after breast implant surgery.
- Wear a sports bra to bed every night during the first few months after surgery. The extra support will minimize breast movement and make you more comfortable.
- Use pillows to cradle and support your body while you sleep, keeping you from moving into an uncomfortable position overnight.
- Adequate rest is crucial in helping your body heal, so it must be a priority.
Whether you’re a side or stomach sleeper, the more you get used to your new shape and the longer you have your implants, the more comfortable you will feel. In time, your body will adjust to your new breasts, and sleeping on your stomach will be comfortable once again. To learn more about breast implants in Gainesville, contact David W. Allison, MD at 703-754-8228 or website to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gainesville.